Characteristics of plant cells and animal cells

Animal and plant cells are both eukaryotic;that means that they have proper nucleii.

Every animal and plant cell has a nucleus which contains chromosomes

Animal and plant cells also contain cytopplasm. The most important things to be found in cytoplasm are mitochondria.
A mitochondrion contains all the enzymes to obtain energy from glucose.

Animal and plant cells also have a cell membrane, cell membranes are very thin

Student  activity

Under line the correct answer. 

1.Both animal and plant cell (1.have not proper neuclei   2. have proper neuclei  )                 

2.Animal  and plant  cell   ( 1.contain cytopplasm   2. do not contain cytopplasm  )         

3.Plant and animal cells  ( 1,have a  cell membrane    2. have not a cell membrane  )